124 years old now in 2025 - what year born?

Today, 18 January 2025 if a person is 124 years old now, what year was he born? See below:

If 124 years old, year of birth is:
1900 or 1901*
*It depends on whether he was born before or after 1 January 1901.

If now 124 years and his year of birth 1900 if he was born after 18 January 1900 until 31 december 1900 inclusively, and his year of birth is 1901 if he was born from 1 January 1901 to 18 January 1901.

Other examples:

If now 12 years, year of birth 2012 or 2013
If now 15 years, year of birth 2009 or 2010
If now 30 years, year of birth 1994 or 1995
If now 90 years, year of birth 1934 or 1935

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