1918 year born – age now in 2024?
How old am I in 2024 if I was born in 1918? Today's date is - 4 December 2024.
If year of birth - 1918, he is now: 105 years old or 106 years old* *Depends on before or after 4 December 1918 year he was born.
If a person was born from January 1 1918 to 4 December 1918 inclusively, he is 106 years old now, otherwise, if after 4 December 1918 (until December 31 1918 inclusively), then he is still 105 years old now.
Other examples:
If 1901 year of birth - already 123 years or still 122 years.
If 1974 year of birth - already 50 years or still 49 years.
If 1983 year of birth - already 41 years or still 40 years.
If 2016 year of birth - already 8 years or still 7 years.
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